Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I believe...

-that everyone one should have at least one person they can tell anything and everything
-that everyone should fall in love once
-sometime's all you need to cheer you up is some ice cream, french fries and your best friend
-pie solves almost any problem
-that being a little materialistic is not always bad
-that everyone should have a person who thinks they look beautiful even if they're just in sweats
-that sometimes a horrible day can be just what you need
-a good cry is almost always good
-rainy days can sometimes be the best kind
-getting rained out isn't always a bad thing
-homework is evil
-that you can definitely have more than one best friend
-early bird gym is wonderful
-opera rocks
-ethnic food is better than normal food a lot of the times, you jsut have to keep an open mind
-you can't be afraid of new beginings or endings
-when a door is closed, a window is opened
-sometime's the only way to get better is to face what's bothering you and not look back
-there's nothing wrong with spending $20 on nothing but junk food
-that a good book can change you forever
-no one is truly individual. our personality is shaped by those around us
-in god but not in religion
-in the power of a wonderful movie
-in the power of a wonderfully horrible movie
-there's a song that can make anything better
-that sometimes you just need to forget about school and homework and take a day to be absolutely irresponsible
-that everyone should be complimented daily
-that you should compliment one person daily
-that horrible experiences can make you a better person in the long run if you're willing to try
-that hard work pays off, but so does forgetting about work occasionaly
-everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes. ;)
-that just because the legal drinking age is 21, doesn't mean it's immoral to drink before then (as long as you're not doing it to drown out your problems)
-love is a many splendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!
-that it's not fair that you can have sex at 17, but you can't buy porn until you're 18
-That if you've got it, you should flaunt it. but in modereation
-that you should never forget that you were a freshman once, too
-being mean to those younger than us is not going to get us anywhere
-being on stage is one of the most wonderful feelings
-the OEHS auditorium is one the the most wonderful places on earth
-Vocal Jazz is why i go through the rest of the week
-the best kinds of bus rides are the 22 hour long ones
-disney world is wonderful, and even more so when you are sleep deprived and delirious
-that everyone needs to chill out more often
-that i have the most wonderful friends on earth

..there's a lot more. but i will leave you with that.


Blogger Esmerelda said...

Awww that's beautiful darling that's another good list

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick is going to come here and kick your ass for calling the theatre an "auditorium".

8:22 PM  
Blogger lady li said...

yeah, pretty much. but this is a wonderful list, cavya. :D

luv always

lady li

8:23 PM  
Blogger Cellar door said...

and i'll kick his ass right back. i'm not afraid of cooch. infact, he should be afraid of me. that's right cooch, i went there. you wanna go? let' go. i can take you.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Transit said...

ok, I said I would comment. Then I forgot. So here goes nothing. Your list is pleasing to me.

--Transit, mysterious blogger of mystery

10:08 PM  
Blogger Lancehead said...

Cavya, I'm a fat-arm??

10:34 PM  
Blogger Cap'n Vincent said...

It's a fracking theatre, Cavya. You wanna go? I'll take your sorry ass down any day of the week!

Execpt Wednesdays. For the love of God, do i hate Wdnesdays.

6:01 AM  

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