Thursday, December 21, 2006


well i'd be lying if i said that i'd never thought of it that way before.
but now it just makes more sense.

i don't need you anymore, i think.
I won't be here all of break pretty much, so miss me. i will miss you. and just remember while your here being rained on and freezing your asses off that i will be warm and in the caribbean. :P SO. that means comment. because i won't be here for a week and i would like to come back to a commented blog. it'll be like a christmas present for me. when i come back i probably should have presents for you so the least you can do is comment me. I love you.

and ps.
things i would rather do than drive to fruits' house ever again:
-eat a bag of glass
-kill babies
-kill myself by form of drinking condensed milk until i die
-pull off all my toenails
-stick 100 needles in my face
-scotch tape my hair to the side of a building
-swim with sharks
-get eaten by an octopus
-chew off my own arm

you get the idea.


Blogger lady li said...

i shall comment you, cavya!

here's something else i'd rather do, it was on my list of things i'd rather do than watch a movie in critical studies in film:

make a potato battery and attempt wireless internet connection.

luv always

lady li

12:46 PM  
Blogger chillie <3 said...


Merry Christmas, Cavs.

Have fun in the Caribbean!

6:44 PM  
Blogger Poopsie said...

What about stapling bologne to your face? That's always a good one.


3:04 AM  

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