Monday, October 23, 2006

When i get old, i want to have laugh lines.

very deep laugh lines. I don't mind if i have wrinkles, but i want every single one to tell a story. i wan't to travel around the world and collect things, and be a great cook. i want endless stories. i wan't lots of grandchildren to spoil. i want them to love me. I want to take advantage of every opportunity i get in life, and live to tell about all of it. i want to be able to say "When i was your age..." i want countless photo albums. i want to share my love for life.

i don't want to be the old lady that people feel bad for. I want the youngest and hippest to envy the life i have lived.

Right now i want to live my life to the fullest. I want to learn everything i can. i want to be everything i can.

I want to live the stories i'll tell in 60 years.


Blogger lady li said...

exactly babe. exactly. we all have to live life for the stories, and make sure they're worth telling. because otherwise, what is life? a wasted opportunity. and that's a very sad story indeed. i heart you, babe!

luv always

lady li

8:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

amen to that my dear
and i know that you will have all this and more most definetly, so no need to worry!

i lurve you!

6:25 AM  
Blogger Esmerelda said...

I already have laugh lines and the first time I saw them they scared me but then I realized they were only a reminder as too my happy nature

8:57 PM  

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