Wednesday, December 07, 2005

So KK's last planned surgery was Sunday. It was the facial reconstruction, it went well. His face is pretty much made out of metal, and it's swollen to about 3 times its size.

He still has a fever and he developed a sickness that is prone to hospitals, but they are treating it.

So now, basically all thats left is for him is the looong process of recovery. it'll be another month or two before he is in out of the hospital, and it will be 6 months before he can walk. But he is going to get better, and that's all that matter's, no matter how long it takes.

I was sick. I am sick. I hate it, you know why? Since i went home sick yesterday, i did not know i made call backs for the winter show, and i couldn't go to call backs. And that is most probably why I am on tech. Ah well. I mean, i'm sure its a good show, but it's like an 8 person cast, and there are about 50 in Drama club. Why on earth would they choose that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - hey. I left a comment for you on your xanga. Then today, I somehow managed to run across this.

So I kind of just did a quick read-through of previous posts and such.

I want to let you know, I know you said that the phrase, 'How are you doing?' has become your least favorite phrase.

Just wanted to let you know - I know we're not very close, but if you EVER need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you. And I don't mind - seriously.

I REALLY want to know how you're doing. I'm here and I'm ready to listen.

(In case you want to call ever - 554.0247)

9:43 PM  

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