I am quitting band. You can say i'll regret it, and i most likely will, but i've thought about that for months, and i can deal with regretting it. Because i'm no good, and no matter how much i tell myself that im going to practice, i never do, and knowing myself, if i keep with band, i never will. Pretty much everytime im in band i want to cry, it makes me miserable. my dad says it's a waste of money, but if i keep doing it, it'll be a waste of money, and time, and energy.
I'm not bad mouthing band or anything, it got me where i need to be musically for choir, and it's half the reason i'm as good at choir as i am, and choir is what i want to do with my life. i just don't enjoy it anymore and don't see any sense in keeping with it. My main concern is that i'll miss marching band, but i can deal with that. I just don't have the drive anymore. I actually don't know if i ever have, besides the first year i started playing. It's just not for me. Hmph.
PS. The weirdest thing you will ever see. brought to you by Bunny.