Friday, March 24, 2006

I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you...

While i'm trying to evoke sad/good/lasting memories while we sing I'll Be Seeing You in Spotlight i always think of when i was about 4 while i still lived in Galesburg, and i would wear my mom's black sundress with sunflowers printied on it and play in our yard outside.

i want summer.
It's the day before spring break.

Hell if i am going to do any work.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring break could not have come at a better time. I am exhausted. I need to rest.

And go to Florida (5 days!!!!)

And to go the city...which i'll hopefully be doing saturday

And spend the entire time with my friends.

I'm sick of my family. (what a surprise, i know)

There's really nothing interesting to blog about. I keep thinking of stuff, but i forget before i get a chance to post it.

This might make you sure makes me laugh (or something like that) My vocal lesson teacher has me singing songs from a book that has songs like "skip to my lou" and "home on the range" in it. No jokes. And better yet, while im doing that, i'm listening to other people my age singing pretty close to opera with the other teacher in the room above me. I need to be challenged!! Hopefully it'll get better in time.

Things to look forward to: FLORIDA (sigh), Pirates (which is going really well, by the way), and piano lessons with El Barscho over the summer.

As tired as I am, i have to say that things are going pretty well for now.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I am writing a paper about a potato for history. What is this world coming to?

pirates is going very's going to be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. April 27, 28, and 29. it'll be amazing. fruits is expecting us to come memorized so we're really getting a lot done.

i'm overjoyed.

time to stop procrastinating.

Friday, March 03, 2006

She Knows Shes Losin It

Just to let all of you know, this post is pretty much only for me to vent. you might get tired of it.

i'm so fucking tired of being second best to lauren.

today was possibly the worst day ever. Right before i got out of the car for earlybird my mom gave me the pleasant *cough* message that KK thinks i hate him for some reason, and so she's angry at me and i can't go anywhere this weekend.

I SUCKED at the band concert last night. I'm ashamed. and embarassed. i feel like i let everyone down. my god i was horrible.

And then Lauren got Mabel. I'm Kate which is a decent part, and is what i was aiming for to begin with, but then i found out i was being considered for Mabel, and after callbacks i knew it was pretty much between me and lauren, and i knew i probably wasnt going to get it because lauren looks the part and stuff, but otherwise we're pretty much the same person. And i'm satisfied with the part i got, and Lauren more than deserved Mabel, but it's like i had the part put right in front of me, and then it was taken away. schmeh. whatev. i just have to get used to being in lauren's shadow.

All of this put together = Cavya freaking out at school and pretty much completely losing it. I went to the nurse to avoid band. Ha. But honestly, i don't think i could have handeled hearing how awful i was again.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pirates auditions were pretty good i think! :D The call back list goes up tomorrow.