i am positively restless.
I spent much of today sleeping. and eating. Then i felt like being outside, so i walked to target, and did a little pointless shopping. bought some nail polish a skirt and lip gloss.
i am such a girl.
And now i have this huge urge to go running. Which is really weird because i normally hate running, and the one time i actually want to, i left my gym shoes at school. damn.
POM makes tea now. It's wonderful.POM wonderful! buy one get one free at Dominicks...looks like i found my new summer drink. Is it weird that i have a summer drink? no. it's not. and if you think so, screw you.
I really need to be doing something right now. i have alot of energy because i was sleeping all day. and i have nothing to do. shit. maybe i'll do some sit-ups or something. Maybe i can dig up some old sneakers from somewhere.